Take the advantage of getting connected with your target audience!
We invite for cooperation companies interested in supporting the conference PETRO-2018 in Minsk, Belarus.
PETRO-2018 will bring together foremost researchers from Belarus and abroad working in the areas of of Petroleum Chemistry, Polymer, Elastomer, Composite and nanomaterials.
Three day conference PETRO-2018 is a perfect chance for Company to demonstrate the support towards science, increase your brand recognition, establish contacts with leading scientists in the area, interact face-to-face with potential customers and present your brand to the wide audience of the conference.
Sponsorship opportunities:
Additional Opportunities:
- Tote Bag inserts. Unique opportunity to put your information in each conference participant’s hands. Platinum and Gold sponsors receive a tote bag insert as part of their sponsorship, but inserts may also be purchased separately. Provide us with insert items (brochure, ad, pens, notepads, etc.) and we will make sure every participant will know about your brand.
- Full color Advertising page in the printed Conference Program / book of Conference Proceedings. Your advertisement in the Conference program and/or proceedings book is an effective way to put information in front of the eyes of attendees. In addition to the printed version, your clickable ad with link to the website will be published online in the pdf version of the Conference materials. Online materials remain available for access long after the conference ends.
- Advertising Seminar. Organizing of the Advertising Seminar as a separate event (up to 2 hours).
- Placement of exhibition booth/table and advertising materials in the hall of the conference. It is an useful tool to attract attention of the Conference attenders to your Company.
- Placement of advertising posters during poster session.
In the case above Sponsorship opportunities do not fully cover your request we are open to provide your Company with individual package.
If you want become a sponsor or have any further questions please contact us at e-mail vik@belstu.by